Parallel is a next-generation skin health company providing effective, targeted solutions powered by microbiome science, genomics, and machine learning. With Parallel Health, consumers and patients can access best-in-class expertise and clinical guidance, a personalized genomic assessment to understand their skin microbiome, as well as personalized, targeted microbiome skincare products and prescriptions.
Founders, Natalise Kalea Robinson and Dr. Nathan Brown, bring years of extensive marketing and scientific experience to the skincare industry. Natalise brings a strong marketing and branding background having built communities in the past as a former founder and has served in brand and marketing leadership roles across multiple companies like CUDDLY, Octave, and most recently as VP of Brand Marketing at Ellis Day Skin Science. Dr. Nathan Brown is the brains behind the technology with a PhD in Microbiology and has been involved in cutting-edge developments in microbiome skincare treatments. He was previously funded by the Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust building microbiome solutions for bacterial illness.
First In Ventures
Crista Galli VC
Sand Hill Angels