The Sweater
Cashmere Fund

The Sweater Cashmere Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation through an actively managed portfolio of private, venture capital investments.
Minimum Initial Investment
Share Redemption Window
Accreditation Requirements
Automated Recurring Investments
Fully Managed
How to Invest

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Early-Stage Growth
The Sweater Cashmere Fund primarily invests in early-stage growth companies and startups.
Secondaries & Other VC Funds
While the Cashmere Fund focuses mostly on early-stage companies, it also invests into growth-stage secondaries and other VC funds. This is part of a diversified strategy that strengthens our community and helps us access a wider breadth of private equity.
Community-Driven Thesis
The Cashmere Fund invests in high growth startups driving disruption and impacting the future of everyday consumers. Our portfolio consists of a wide range of game changers who gain value from Sweater's large community of members. Read more about our thesis here.
Evergreen Fund Structure
The Sweater Cashmere Fund never stops growing. The fund seeks to constantly raise capital from thousands of retail investors and continuously deploy that capital into venture opportunities.
Large Portfolio Theory
Sweater’s underlying investment strategy is built around large portfolio theory. A traditional VC fund might only invest in a dozen startups, but the Sweater Cashmere Fund seeks to include hundreds and even thousands of investments as we scale.
Early-Stage Growth
The Sweater Cashmere Fund will primarily invest in equity of startups and early growth stage companies and, to a lesser extent, interests in private venture capital funds.
Large Portfolio Theory
Sweater’s underlying strategy is built around large portfolio theory, which means the Sweater Cashmere Fund will include hundreds of investments and will start to look more like an index fund of private, venture-backed companies at scale. A large, diversified portfolio also helps mitigate some of the risks involved in venture investing.
The Sweater Cashmere Fund primarily invests in consumer-focused companies shaping the future of products we interact with in our personal and professional lives—products used by real people, like apps on your phone or software you use at work.
Investor Information

Fund Documents

The documents included here provide details relating to the Sweater Cashmere Fund. We encourage you to review these documents before making an investment with the Sweater app.
Join us
Access the world's most exclusive asset class with the Sweater app. Download Sweater and take your seat at the new VC table where you can invest in groundbreaking startups shaping the future.
Disclosure: Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the Fund and can be obtained by calling 1-888-577-7987 or by visiting the Fund’s website at Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. All investments involve risks, and past performance is no guarantee of future results.